Trump vs. Harris: A Comparison of Key Election Themes Ahead of the Presidential Debates

Trump vs. Harris: A Comparison of Key Election Themes Ahead of the Presidential Debates.

Presidential Debates of Trump vs. Harris


Kamala Harris supports a federal right to abortion and opposes states banning the procedure before fetal viability. Donald Trump’s judicial picks played a key role in the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

As the 2024 presidential race approaches, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump have dramatically different visions for the future of the United States.


Their record and proposals demonstrate their opposing views, from abortion and climate change to democracy and immigration. Here’s how they stand on some important issues, according to The New York Times.






ALSO READ :  Harris vs. Trump: Who will win the US presidential election? Here’s what the surveys show ahead of the high-octane discussion.

Harris vs. Trump: Who will win the US presidential election? Here’s what the surveys show ahead of the high-octane discussion.

LINK : Harris vs. Trump: Who will win the US presidential election? Here’s what the surveys show ahead of the high-octane discussion.

Harris vs. Trump: Several polls conducted ahead of Tuesday night’s debate show a close race between the two presidential candidates.

On November 5, US citizens will cast their ballots for the next presidential election. The election was meant to be a 2020 re-election, but President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race and the endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris in July reversed the situation.







Abortion rights.

Kamala Harris supports a federal right to abortion and opposes states banning the procedure before fetal viability. She has been outspoken in her support for abortion rights, including becoming the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, was instrumental in facilitating the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade through court appointments. Although he has announced that he will not sign a federal abortion ban, he believes that states should be able to set their own limits.

Divided over climate

Harris supports the Biden administration’s climate change policies, calling for renewable energy subsidies and environmental justice programs that prioritize vulnerable populations affected by climate change.

Trump rejects proven climate science and advocates unregulated use of fossil fuels. During his administration, he repealed more than 100 environmental restrictions and promised to pursue similar programs if re-elected.

Defending Democracy: A Central Issue

Harris’ campaign presents the 2024 race as crucial to maintaining American democracy. He criticized Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election and supported measures to expand voting rights in the face of Republican-led restrictions.

Trump is the only US president who refused to concede defeat in an election. He tried to overturn the results of the 2020 elections and used strong language, calling his political opponents “insects”. His speech raises serious questions about the future of democratic policies under his leadership.

Economic showdown: Harris and Trump present differing views

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have dramatically different economic policies, with Harris supporting Biden’s investment in infrastructure and renewable energy, as well as curbing price increases and encouraging affordable housing, all paid for by higher taxes on the wealthy.

In contrast, Trump wants to continue his protectionist trade policies and tax cuts, implementing additional cuts and new tariffs, leaving out details on ensuring the long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare, despite promising to protect these programs from cuts, setting the stage. For a key economic debate in the 2024 presidential election.

The Immigration Divide: Harris and Trump’s Contrasting Approaches

Harris has criticized many of Trump’s immigration measures, but he has supported specific limits implemented by the Biden administration, particularly in response to record-high border crossings. He has sought to ensure funding for development in Latin America to address the root causes of migration.

Trump’s immigration policy was the most restrictive in recent US history. If re-elected, he wants to expand these policies by rounding up millions of undocumented immigrants, detaining them in camps and deporting them in large numbers.

Middle East Policy: Harris and Trump’s Different Views

In the midst of the Israel-Gaza conflict, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump took opposing positions, with Harris defending Israel’s right to self-defense while underlining the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and arguing for a cease-fire and a two-state solution.

In contrast, Trump, a longtime supporter of Israel, supported the country’s move against Hamas but called for a quick solution as international support waned, casting doubt on the viability of the two-state solution, highlighting a key policy gap between the two presidential candidates.

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